I'm coming up with new ideas for card holders. Here's one of them. I'll create a few more and print them at spoonflower.com. Will post the finished products soon.
I'm working on calendar 2012 right now. Still not sure about all the images. Hopefully I could get this done before our new member arrives. Will post the final images when I'm done. :)
Tyger Bomb is not just your typical roller derby girl, she's also a very talented artist! I just created a business card for her to promote her skills. Check out her Facebook if you need the bling on your helmet!
It's time for X-mas socks! SITM wanted to see if I can come up with any X-mas design, so far these are all I came up with. Hopefully I'd get to see one of these in real life :)
Another talented etsy shop owner Michelle makes deliciously cute girl's dresses. I'm waiting for her to come up with cute boy clothes soon. I created banner, tags and business card for her. Click here to her boutique.
What a cute blog for kids! Bron purchased a logo from my Stocklogos.com and she came back for a banner later. Check out her blog and you'll be in love :)
Yeah, a friend of mine (Tyger Bomb) just made it in Rose City Rollers team!!! Everyone is so excited and happy for her because it took her 4 years of hard training to get to this point. Now we need team shirts to go see her games and this is what I came up with....
Well, remember Sock It To Me contest a few months back? Even though my design didn't win votes on popularity but it sure won Sock It To Me's heart! Carrie, the president of SITM just mailed me a big fat check and a pair of my lovely Acorn socks today. Thanks to my handsome model holding my cute socks. Don't you just want a pair?
Many years ago, there's a guy from Hawaii hired me to design t-shirts for his shop. I came up with tons of images, but he picked these two. I love that fish design a lot and it probably has the longest name for a fish "Humuhumunukunukuapuaa", wow!